Pogoda w Kołobrzegu
zachmurzenie umiarkowane
humidity: 91%
wind: 2m/s SSW
H 6 • L 2
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+48 570 680 680
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Explore Kołobrzeg with GOLDEN SUN

GOLDEN SUN has been created especially for those people who want to spend a save vacation and appreciate the highest quality of service and comfort.

You can rent our high standard apartments throughout the whole year. We offer the apartments at the highest standard GOLDEN SUN. We are convinced that after spending time here you are going to love Kołobrzeg and you will come here again. Many attractions are waiting for you! Thanks the perfect localisation of our apartments you will get to all interesting places in the city.

If you are interested in sharing your apartment with another guests and monetize your business, please contact us. All our services are confirmed with a special rental agreemensts, so you can use it in your costs calculation.

We will prepare a special offer for you, depending on your individual requirements. Thanks our intense activities in branch of advertising and marketing, the apartments are more visible for potential clients in the Internet.

We provide a quick and save booking for all our customers. Our innovative price calculator will help you to define a number of days and total cost of reservation. After sending your request, we will contact you by telephone or email to determine the method of payment.


GOLDEN SUN means the highest quality for guests and business partners. We have many years of experience in tourism sector and organizing holidays at the seaside. We offer best located apartments near the beach & city centert with the highest european standard. Our regular cleaning controls guarantee the highest quality standard!


Thanks that our apartments are associated in one apartments’ chain and managed by one company, we are able to offer our clients the best price! Our intense activities in branch of advertising and marketing make the apartments more visible for potential clients in the Internet.
